Nikon D5300 Vs. D7100 Vs. D5200 Vs. Canon 700D/T5i Specs Comparison


Here is specs comparison of new announced Nikon D5300 and other similar cameras: Nikon D5200, Nikon D7100, Canon EOS 700D / Rebel T5i.

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Pentax K-3 Vs. Canon 70D Vs. 7D Vs. Nikon D7100 Specs Comparion


Pentax just announced the K-3 high-end APS-C DSLR. Here is a full specs comparison for Pentax K-3, Canon EOS 70D, Canon EOS 7D, Nikon D7100. Take a look below:
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High ISO Comparison: Olympus E-M1 Vs. E-M5 Vs. Panasonic GX7 Vs. D7100

RAW, ISO 25600
RAW, ISO 25600

Here is the high ISO RAW and JPEG files comparison of new announced Olympus OM-D E-M1 and E-M5, Panasonic GX7, Nikon D7100.

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More Sample Images for AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR Lens

AF-S DX 18-140mm ED VR Sample images
Nikon D7100, AF-S DX 18-140mm, 18mm, f22, ISO 100, 6s

Nikon France posted more sample images for the new released AF-S DX 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR lens. Shoot with Nikon D7100 and AF-S DX 18-140mm lens.

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High ISO Comparison: Canon EOS 70D Vs. 60D Vs. 7D Vs. Nikon D7100

ISO 12800
JPEG ISO 12800

dpreview has updated some more sample images of Canon EOS 70D. And here are several pictures of high ISO comparison for new announced Canon EOS 70D and 60D, 7D, Nikon D7100.

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Canon EOS 70D Vs. 7D Vs. 60D Vs. Nikon D7100 Specs Comparison

70D Vs 7D Vs 60D Vs D7100

Here is a full specs comparison for new announced Canon EOS 70D and three other related DSLRs: Canon EOS 7D, Canon EOS 60D, Nikon D7100. Take a look below: Continue reading “Canon EOS 70D Vs. 7D Vs. 60D Vs. Nikon D7100 Specs Comparison”